Acids and Bases

On this page you will learn information about acids and bases.

View the following Ch 16 PowerPoint presentation written by a previous AP chemistry student.

Ch_16_Acid_Base_Lauren.ppt Ch_16_Acid_Base_Lauren.ppt
Size : 693.5 Kb
Type : ppt

Click here to navigate to a website with great information about Acids and Bases.

This webpage has great explanations of the different Acid/Base theories.

You can view a presentation about Acid and Base topics by clicking here to navigate to an excellent webpage.

  • Watch the following video to learn more about:
    acid/base properties
    Arrhenius acids and bases
    Bronsted Lowry acids and bases
    Lewis acids and bases
    conjugate acids and bases
    Big Six strong acids
    How to determine acid strength
    Binary Acids vs Oxoacids 
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The following PowerPoint contains the notes presented in class.

Acid_Base_Notes.ppt Acid_Base_Notes.ppt
Size : 639 Kb
Type : ppt
Acids_Bases_Lecture_1.swf Acids_Bases_Lecture_1.swf
Size : 3570.361 Kb
Type : swf

Watch the following video to learn more about:

Ka and Kb
How to determine the pH of an acidic solution 

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Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Read Ch 16 and answer the questions in the following Word document.


Ch 16 Questions.doc Ch 16 Questions.doc
Size : 0.034 Kb
Type : doc

View the following Ch 16 PowerPoint presentation written by a previous AP chemistry student.

Ch_17_Aq_Equil_Chris.ppt Ch_17_Aq_Equil_Chris.ppt
Size : 222 Kb
Type : ppt


Common Ion Effect

Read the following information to learn more about the Common Ion Effect and Buffers. Work through the practice problems.

Common Ion Effect.ppt Common Ion Effect.ppt
Size : 98 Kb
Type : ppt

COMMON ION & BUFFER PROBLEMS KEY 1) What is the pH of a solution -



Buffers.ppt Buffers.ppt
Size : 3470.5 Kb
Type : ppt

Click here to navigate to a Virginia Tech Univ. website.  

This website offers worked examples of buffer problems.

Salt Formation and Hydrolysis

Learn what a hydrolysis reaction is and what reaction occurs with the following conditions:
Strong acid and strong base
Strong acid and weak base
Weak acid and strong base
Weak acid and weak base

Hydrolysis_Salt Formation.doc Hydrolysis_Salt Formation.doc
Size : 0.029 Kb
Type : doc


Polyprotic Acid Titration

Learn more about  polyprotic acid titrations.

Polyprotic Acid Titration.doc Polyprotic Acid Titration.doc
Size : 0.062 Kb
Type : doc
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